How Reincarnation Works — The Nonreligious Version

Jenn Scott Pickett
9 min readFeb 17, 2023

Here are the basic steps of how reincarnation works. It’s probably different from what you think…

How Reincarnation Works. Photo from Unsplash/ Amy Humphries

When we’re talking about how reincarnation works, we’re obviously talking about souls. This is a spiritual subject, yes, but that doesn’t automatically make it a religious one. I believe there is some semblance of truth in most religions, but humans have a tendency to manipulate and distort things — especially when it means they can control other people.

A huge percentage of the world’s religions, particularly some of the oldest ones, include a belief in reincarnation. (Even early Christianity, though a lot of people don’t realize it.) For this reason alone, it’s worth considering what is the truth that lies buried beneath the beliefs?

“I am not a religious person, but I found the place where we go after death to be one of order and direction, and I have come to appreciate that there is a grand design to life and afterlife.” (Michael Newton, PhD)

I won’t claim to be an expert on reincarnation, but I do enjoy sharing the information that made a believer out of me. Why? Because doing this research cured me of my crippling anxiety and shifted my



Jenn Scott Pickett
Jenn Scott Pickett

Written by Jenn Scott Pickett

Reincarnation || Parapsychology || Dreams || Reality and Perception || Self Love || Spirituality

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